Church Ministries
Bethlehem Ladies
- Meets on a monthly basis to discuss and coordinate ministries for Bethlehem U.C.C.
- We meet at 8:30 am on Sunday in the library.
- Some of our activities include purchasing a rose for all baptisms and their family.
- We wash communion glasses and coordinate the kitchen activities for our potlucks and fellowship time following our services.
- All our welcome to join us! If you would like more information, please feel free to inquire with Barb Henning.
Bethlehem Choir
Our choir has provided uplifting music for 75 years. We currently have 16 members in our choir consisting of men and women, young and old. We welcome new members! If interested, the choir sings on the 2nd Sunday of the month with practice at 9 a.m. that morning before church. We also hold a yearly Cantata service in December, which highlights all talent at Bethlehem and the community. This is one of our major fundraisers.
Bethlehem Merry Christians
Merry Christians are a small, dedicated group of people raising money in a variety of ways to support church and charitable causes in Kiel and the surrounding community. One of our many events is an auction to support the Heifer project. The group is made up of members of Bethlehem United Church of Christ and meets at the church on the first Tuesday of the month. We welcome anyone who is interested in helping with our endeavors.
Mission Committee
The mission committee attempts to respond to needs of the local community and beyond. One of their main endeavors is Loads of Love. This program provides free laundry service on a monthly basis to families referred to us by local school districts and other service agencies. The group also serves meals to the residents of the Guest House of Milwaukee. Each year we hold at least one Mission Sunday where we perform service projects the whole congregation can participate in.