Bethlehem United Church of Christ is committed to doing God's work in the world by helping those in need. Each month we collect "Jingle Change" to designate for specific missions. Below are a few examples and ways that you can join in and help.
Loads of Love is a local ministry where we provide financial assistance to clients at a local laundromat. You may send earmarked funds to the program at our church address.
Bethlehem has an ongoing relationship with the Guest House of Milwaukee, a men's shelter. Each spring we collect new undergarments for their "Undy 500" collection. You can help them here: https://www.guesthouseofmilwaukee.org/ways-to-give
Church World Service is a global organization that provides disaster relief, refugee assistance, and aids those stricken by hunger and/or poverty. https://cwsglobal.org/donate/
One Great Hour Of Sharing is a UCC fund that also assists refugees, disaster victims, and those who lack access to food and/or clean water. https://www.ucc.org/giving/ways-to-give/our-churchs-wider-mission/one-great-hour-of-sharing/
Feed My Starving Children is a faith-based charity that packages and distributes food to developing nations with food insecurity. https://www.fmsc.org/
Neighbors in Need is a UCC fund that supports ministries of justice and compassion. One-third of the funds raised go to the Council for American Indian Ministries. The rest of the funds are awarded as grants to churches and congregations who will utilize the funds for justice-related projects specific to their communities. https://www.ucc.org/giving/ways-to-give/our-churchs-wider-mission/neighbors-in-need/